Thursday, September 28

Night Cap

Connor insisted on going to bed tonight with sweatbands on his wrists and a cap on his head. This photo also shows how he often sleeps, with his arms stretched up overhead. Very cute. My friend Megan said I had to take a picture, so I did.

Wednesday, September 27


Aren't these shoes the coolest? They were Dylan's first, and now Connor is wearing them. They remind me of the kind of shoes I would have had as a kid - something right out of Sesame Street (which premiered in 1969, the year I was born.)

Tuesday, September 26

Hard Core

We're hard core parade enthusiasts. It was cold Saturday, but we were there, along with a smattering of other people. There was some scuttlebut in the community about this parade, but I didn't really understand the whole story. Good thing it was short, because Connor was frozen by the time it was done. The boys still managed to score loads of candy, despite the cold.

Monday, September 25

Happy Birthday To Me

Yep. Thirty-seven candles for me this year. Actually, I've felt 37 for quite awhile already, so it's quite comfortable. Maybe someday I'll catch up with Brad. Ha ha!

I got some great gifts and cards, and Shari put a nice birthday wish on her blog. Even though I'm feeling under the weather, it still felt like a special day.

Fall has always been my favorite season - cooler temps, fall foliage, a fresh start at school, and MY BIRTHDAY!

Saturday, September 23

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Today was rocket launching day at Gateway to Science. The original Rocket Day was back in July, but because of the burn ban, the actual launching had to be postponed. Dylan was the first kid to launch his rocket, and boy, did it go! It took quite a while to find it because it was windy and the nose cone separated from the body after launch. We eventually found the nose cone behind the BSC building on the left in this photo!

Dylan had a "blast" with his rocket.

Friday, September 22

Part-time Rock Photographer

Click here to jump to the Rift website, which features new band photos taken by Yours Truly. Click on "Members" when you get there for more pics. Note the hideous yellow background - that's our basement in its current state of mid-remodel. Actually, work has progressed since these photos were taken last week: the concrete is now painted white and there are 2x4 walls framed in over it.

Rift is in Minot this weekend, but they just got booked to play The Broken Oar in Mandan on October 6. Might have to venture out that night...

Thursday, September 21

Happy Birthday, Liam

Liam Gallagher, singer for Oasis, turns 34 today. Here's a super-cool recent pic of him.

Yep, still hooked on this band. Given that most people I know don't share my enthusiasm about Oasis, I have curtailed posting about them. (See archives from March and April 2006 for the full extent of this obsession.) However, today I just couldn't overlook this opportunity to slip in a mention of them.

Ha! Take that!

Allergy/Asthma Update

Connor had his follow-up appointment with Dr. Piyamahunt today, and the news was good and bad. The good news is that he is doing much better with the new meds, the air purifier, and our stepped-up housekeeping. He has needed far fewer breathing treatments, his huge sinus infection has cleared up, and his mood has improved greatly.

The bad news is that he now has a touch of bronchitis, which stems from a bad cold that Dylan brought home from school and made its way through the rest of the family. Connor is back on another round of antibiotics, this time a tastier kind, so the bronchitis should clear up quickly.

We all soldier on...

Wednesday, September 13

Happy Birthday, Susan

Happy birthday, Susan!
I know I am very late getting this up, but I hope she accepts my best wishes anyway. Susan is Brad's brother Gary's wife. We were thrilled when they bought a house just a block away from us last fall, and it's so nice to see more of them now.

Thursday, September 7

And They're Off

My parents hit the road this morning, headed for Branson, Missouri. As I said before, they are taking their house with them. They don't know when they'll be home. Ahhh, retirement.

When we said goodbye, Dad asked if I could live without Mom. We'll see...

Wednesday, September 6

Happy Birthday, Connor

Five candles...

and a new bike for Connor!

Tuesday, September 5

A Milestone for Connor

Connor started preschool today. He was so excited about his new backpack and about going to school! He goes two afternoons a week to the YMCA. Dylan went to the same preschool three years ago, with the same teacher in the same room. He had such a wonderful experience there, so we are hoping the same for Connor.

Sunday, September 3

Auntie Arlene

My mom's sister, Arlene, and her husband, Ron, were in town visiting this weekend. They live in Brainerd, MN, but I haven't been back there for a few years, so it had been awhile since we'd been together. How nice it was to see them again! Kind of makes me realize that we are too stuck in our own little world here and need to get out visiting more. It's just so hard with busy schedules and little kids.

Anyway, it was so great to spend a little time with them. And don't they look terrific?

Friday, September 1

Congratulations, Dad!

Today was my dad's last day of work. He's officially retired. MDU Resources held a very nice little retirement reception for him on Thursday, with chocolate/mint ice cream cake. Lots of people showed up, and many said he'd be terribly missed. He normally doesn't like social situations like that, but he seemed to handle it just fine.

We were happy that we could attend his party, along with my mom, Curt and Alicia.

This is a day that he has planned for, and looked forward to, for many years. They bought a giant 5th-wheel RV last summer, along with a pickup to tow it. Dad likes to drive, so they're hitting the road, taking their house with them like a turtle.