Thursday, September 27

Sleep Tight

Here's how Connor fell asleep tonight. He rolled over shortly after I took this picture, so all's well.



Premiere Week got off to a great start for us with Chuck. We laughed through the whole thing.

My two favorite moments, among many, were the Journey ringtone on Chuck's phone ("Anyway You Want It") and the "Vicky Vale" reference from Batman. Here's the clip:

Can't wait until the next episode.

Tuesday, September 25

Two Funny Birthday Cards

From Shari:

From Brad:

Saturday, September 22

Patriot Marching Band

We attended the parade today, and it was a beautiful morning for a parade. I only managed to take two pictures, both of my alma mater Century Patriot Marching Band. I look back fondly on my days in marching band, and I was so proud to be part of the Patriot Marching Band.

I'm not usually one to be critical, but most of the bands looked pretty shabby. Even St. Mary's, which is often the sharpest band in a parade, was out of step and sloppy. Maybe they are heavy on the lower classmen.

A couple of bright spots: New Salem looked and sounded pretty good, and BHS has added fun choreography to their cadence.

Candy is the big draw for the boys, and they came home with enough to rot their teeth for a few months.

Thursday, September 20

Garage Makeover

Our garage makeover is nearly complete.

One neighbor commented that we should move our TV out there and turn it into our new living room. Another neighbor commented that he liked all the new outlets we added. Can't have too many outlets!

Now Brad won't have to fold in the mirrors on his Suburban to pull into the garage.

Sunday, September 16

PaPa's Pumpkin Patch

We went to PaPa's pumpkin patch today, which, unbeknownst to us, was opening day. Here are some snaps from the day.

Monday, September 10

Spongebob Lynched!

Connor had his first "friend" birthday party this year, including a Spongebob pinata. We had never done a pinata before, and it was awesome! It worked just like it was supposed to, and the kids loved it.

In keeping with the Spongebob theme, Dylan drew this on the driveway.

The kids played Twister and had chocolate cake.

Thursday, September 6

Happy Birthday, Connor

On this day in 2001, a beautiful boy was born. And now, he's six!

Here's looking at you, kid! (Note awesome Fly-O-Vision gift card from his Uncle Curt & Aunt Alicia)

Sunday, September 2

Baby Leah's Christening

We zipped up to Devils Lake this weekend for Leah's christening. I hadn't been there before, and I have to say, there's a whole lot of nothing between here and there. Not that it wasn't a nice drive, but the towns sure are few and far between up that-a-way.

Here's Susan's father with part of his toy tractor collection. He built a little house in his yard so he could store and display them. Chase seems to have inherited this gene from him.

He also has a golf cart to scoot around the neighborhood in. Dylan did quite well driving it.