Sunday, November 30

Song of the Moment

"Soon We'll Be Found"

We caught this on Letterman a couple weeks ago. I was blown away by her vocal delivery and the striking visual of the whole performance. Her name is Sia, and I'd never heard of her before. Click for more info if you're interested.

I like how she goes from intimate purr to (seemingly) effortless belting, without the high polish. I also love the song; I can't get it out of my head.

For reference, watch the music video for this song, which uses sign language and interesting hand imagery.

Wednesday, November 26

Dylan's Bike Trick

A quick vid of Dylan's bike trick.

It took me a few takes to get it right, so at the end you can hear him ask, "Did you get it?"

Saturday, November 8

Snow Day

This was the scene Thursday here - over nine inches of snow, with winds whipping it up into a proper blizzard. Schools were shut down for the first time since the blizzard of 1997. How I vividly remember that one!

We ended up with a couple of impressive drifts like this one hanging over the eave.

It's been warm enough to play outside today, and the kids have been loving it. I also heard there was a run on shovels and snow blowers. Thankfully, Brad was able to get his trailer hitched up and parked in the driveway before the plows came through last night. That four-wheel drive really comes in handy at times like these.

Tuesday, November 4

Spooghetti Supper

This year, our whole family volunteered to help at Northridge's annual Spooghetti Supper. We snapped this picture on Saturday just before we left for the event.

Connor was Hedwig, Harry Potter's owl, and Dylan was the Grim Reaper. I'm not sure what Brad and I were, but it was fun.

The supper served over 600 meals to many costumed diners. Success!