Thursday, February 26

Pinewood Derby

Sunday was our Cub Scout pack's Pinewood Derby. Conveniently, Dylan and Connor each got a second place.

They both had block-style cars - Dylan's was a double-ended Frankenstein, and Connor's was a Lego brick with flames painted on the side.

The track

Finish line!

Sunday, February 22

Alpine White

This TV ad for Nestle's Alpine White candy bar ran in the late 1980's. I remember it vividly because I loved the music. Then a few years later I found out that the music is performed by Sophie B. Hawkins, whose other music I also love.

I never had an Alpine White candy bar, but it was really cool to hear this song again.

Wednesday, February 18

Fowl Diorama

This month's book project for Dylan's 4th grade class was to construct a diorama depicting a scene from a graphic novel. He chose Artemis Fowl, and a scene in which time stops in a sphere around a mansion, trapping Artemis inside.

He used a milk carton for the mansion, cotton for the clouds and trees, and an old bass drum head for the time-stop sphere.

I think Dylan's finished project turned out great!

Sunday, February 15

Singing Valentines

The Northridge first-graders presented their music program this week, and this being Valentine's week, they focused on songs about love. It was very cute and mercifully short. Connor is on the left end of the back row.

The cafetorium at Horizon is a great performance space; however, it was a bit small for this particular event. With about 100 students performing, it was standing room only for the spectators.

My favorite song was a new take on "I'm a Little Teapot", in which the teapot slowly loses appendages (handle and spout), until it discovers that it's a sugarbowl!

Thursday, February 12

More McCartney

"It's Over" is off Jesse McCartney's last album, Departure. I really like this video, which depicts the story told in the song - he's "deleting" an ex from his memory.

"I'm Leavin'" is another song off Departure. This is a live performance recorded for a radio station, and he nails this vocal, proving that he's more than just a pretty face.

In fact, he's a Grammy-nominated songwriter now, too. He co-wrote Leona Lewis's "Bleeding Love", which is nominated for Record of the Year.

Click here to watch the steamy music video he made for the song.

Monday, February 9

Hot Desk

The Hot Desk is a talk show produced for ITV Mobile and hosted by Mel Blatt and Nicole Appleton, AKA Mrs. Liam Gallagher. They interviewed Liam for their first episode, and he recently made a return visit for a second interview.

Liam is notoriusly bad mannered, but here he's charming and funny. Perhaps the presence of his wife improves his behavior. My favorite part starts at 5:35, where he gives the one-word answers.

See how much you understnad of his broad Manc accent.

Thursday, February 5

Song of the Moment


Jesse McCartney - "How Do You Sleep"

Jesse McCartney is my new PYT, and this song is just about all I've been listening to for over a week. I obsessively watch the video at work, and I wake up with the song in my head.

I know, I know, I'm the wrong demographic for this song and this singer. I can't explain why lately I'm drawn to these new young artists. Maybe I suffer from the Benjamin Button syndrome...getting younger over time. The funny thing is, I know that my 20-year-old self would have HATED this.

In addition to being a terrific song, I also love this video for its stylish look and clever editing. Jesse's crisp suit and dark aviators are ultra-cool, and the slow-motion plays up a physical quality that I admire - precision and economy of movement. Check out the folding chair walk-over and the microphone flip after his bow at the end. Watch it in high quality from the YouTube site if you can - the whole thing just looks great in sharp detail. To quote Jodi - "HOT!"

Monday, February 2

Dance Weekend

Got back yesterday from Minot for State High School Dance Competition. 40 teams, 700 dancers, 127 performances. Whew! I like being a part of putting on this event, but it's also a relief when it's over.

Here's a clip from the Jam Session, which is how we pass the time while waiting for results. I liked this one because it got the whole crowd going.