Sunday, January 31

...And Counting

My 14-year-old Subaru Outback reached a milestone this weekend. Brad and I bought it in the fall of 1998 after we discovered that Dylan's car seat wouldn't fit in the back seat of my 1982 Honda Prelude. Even though I missed that zippy five-speed, the Subaru has been a great car.

When I overheard Dylan dissing it to his friend recently, I replied that he better get used to it because he may end up driving it.

Friday, January 22

JFK Winter Show 2010

My Bismarck North JFK Winter Show was earlier this month. I like to take a picture of the dancers just before the show starts. Don't they look great? This wasn't all of them because the Jazz classes were sitting out of frame to the right.


Tuesday, January 19

You're My Obsession

I'm starting to realize that I must have an obsessive personality. I never used to be like this, and I don't know what has changed, but I can't seem to help it.

My current obsession...TWILIGHT.

I finally decided to read it because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now I know. These books totally drew me in. I loved the Bella character because she is authenticly teenage - klutzy, insecure, self-conscious. I loved the Edward character because, well, because HE'S EDWARD. Who wouldn't want a practically invincible man who adores you and protects you and wants nothing more than your happiness?

Stephanie Meyer's take on vegetarian vampires is an interesting twist, and she gets the details of longing and desire right. The other books in the saga, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, expand the concepts nicely; I was completely hooked and couldn't put them down.

Even though I found the conclusion of the story arc satisfying, I didn't want to exit the Twilight Universe when I was done. My obsession still has a grip on me, and I'm not sorry for that.

Friday, January 8

Song of the Day - Second Time Around


I've enjoyed the latest Indigo Girls album very much, but this song spoke to me even more today than usual. I had it on repeat for most of the afternoon while I worked on a puzzle. The song has a melancholy tone, but the lyrics have a dry humor to them. And I just love Amy's southern charm and soulful vocal delivery.

Here's a link to a live performance of the song that they taped for a radio show. That version is slower and sadder, but it's more interesting to look at than this boring one.

Saturday, January 2

Here's Your "Wake Up Call"


Happy New Year! Here's the first of what will hopefully be many family jam sessions.

"Wake Up Call" is a song that Connor learned on piano this fall. Brad accompanied him on guitar for fun one day, and Dylan soon joined in on drums.

This was a Proud Mama moment for me.