Sunday, February 28

Bucket Bucket

Saturday was the BPS Elementary Band Festival, and it was a proud mama moment for me.

Dylan played with two groups. The NR 5th grade percussion ensemble played "Two Bit Rock," which is an original composition by Brad, meant to be played on buckets. Good thing we recently remodeled our basement and had lots of empty joint compound buckets.

The NR 6th graders were a player short, so they invited Dylan to join their ensemble, too. He was excited because his part included three different auxiliary instruments.

Both groups played very well. What a great experience for young musicians!

Sunday, February 21

Pinewood Derby

Today was the Pack 125 Pinewood Derby. Dylan chose not to participate this year, but Connor made an interesting car. He wanted it very flat, so he sawed the whole block in half. It took a lot of weights to get it up to the 5 ounce weight limit. It's the yellow car on the right above.

His car was middlin' fast, earning a 2nd place trophy. It also got a 2nd place ribbon in the design judging for Most Unique Design.

Wednesday, February 10

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

Check out four minutes of marching band awesomness in this video from OK Go (you know, they had the treadmill video that went viral a couple of years ago). The band is the Notre Dame marching band, and the entire video is one long shot.

Embedding of the video is disabled, so click "link" below to view it on YouTube. It's totally worth it. (And thanks to Jamie for bringing this to my attention.)
