Tuesday, April 27

Cub Scout Advancements

The boys both completed their rank advancements on Sunday. The ceremony was outdoors, and the weather didn't cooperate, so we absolutely froze in the wind and rain.

The advancement ceremony includes face painting for the younger boys. Connor wasn't really into it, but he didn't protest too much. Now he gets to wear the blue scarf of a Bear Cub.

Dylan earned his Arrow of Light, which is the highest honor of Cub Scouting. He has chosen not to join a Boy Scout troop, so this was his last official Scout event.

Friday, April 23

Twilight Eclipse New Trailer!

The second trailer for Eclipse was released today. Ooooo!

Whereas the first trailer focused on the Edward-Bella-Jacob love triangle, this one showcases the amped up action.


Saturday, April 10

5th Grade Band Concert

Dylan had his 5th grade band concert on Thursday. It was another proud mama moment for me because he got to play trap set on one song and did an awesome job. (I'm not biased or anything.)

Back in my day, the district had one giant, all-city 5th grade band concert at the Civic Center. I remember there being about 50 drummers in the back, with their snares echoing loudly. Now they (wisely) group them into smaller bands. This was the group of elementary bands that feed into Horizon. The Horizon 7th grade band also played, so it was a nice mix.

Tuesday, April 6

Furry Fun

Connor's still very into his stuffed critters. Here he built a little fort and carefully arranged them in front of it.

Here he is with Chase. They got giant stuffed animals for Easter, and Connor was so excited.

Friday, April 2

Remember MCI?

A recent internet search of Anna Paquin turned up this nugget.

Back in 1994, MCI was a telecommunications company that had exploded in the wake of the Bell System breakup. Also back in 1994, the internet was a fledgling entity that most people knew very little about. This ad captured my attention at the time because of the young actress in it. I loved her New Zealand accent, and it was just so DIFFERENT.
