Wednesday, May 26

Advice From an 8-year-old

Some good advice from Connor:

How true!

Monday, May 24

First Recital

Brad's private percussion students play a recital every May, and this was the first time that Dylan participated.

He played a marimba piece

and a snare piece of his own composition.

It was another proud mama moment for me.

Sunday, May 23

Farewell, Sue

Saturday was the going away party for Sue, the best child care provider in the world.

Our kids have been going to Sue's for 10 years, but she's "retiring" and moving out of state to join her husband, who found work there last year. There were about 25 of her daycare kids, and even some of THEIR kids, at the party. Our boys have made many lasting friendships at Sue's.

Nick & Connor

Dylan, Ethan & Tyler

This picture ran in the Tribune 7 years ago. How funny to see the kids so little!

What I liked about sending the boys to her for child care was that it was just like being at home, if not better. There were home baked cookies and pizzas, swimming in the summer, forts and Legos in the winter, and always friends to play with.

We will miss her dearly.

Friday, May 14

80's Day

Today was '80s day at Northridge. Dylan chose to wear Brad's leather jacket, which is an authentic relic from 1983. Brad wore it in high school so it's a bit big for Dylan, but when I cut the fingers off a pair of garden gloves, he was happy with the results.

Thursday, May 13

Oprah Twilight Feature

Today I watched Oprah for the first time in entire episode dedicated to Twilight Eclipse! It was really good; I'll be keeping it on the DVR for awhile.

Here's a funny clip of a separate interview backstage at the taping of the show. I like it because it's casual and relaxed, and there's fun interaction between the three of them.


Coincidentally, today is also Rob Pattinson's birthday. Here's a great video montage by Popsugar in honor of his 24th birthday:


Monday, May 10

Gaga for Greyson

Wow. I hope this seriously talented 12-year-old has a good agent because he's going to need one. I am in awe of his vocal control and the way he pounds so confidently on the keys. Plus, that swinging leg is adorable.


Saturday, May 8

Hogwarts, Here We Come

It's official. We're going to Harry Potter Wizarding World at Universal Studios! The boys got their Hogwarts letters today.

Connor was jumping up and down saying, "Is it real? Is it real?"
After reading his letter, Dylan said, "Sweet."