Today was Dylan's last day of second grade. He had a great year. I blogged about his teacher, Renae Ely, earlier this month. She really is wonderful. When I stopped in after school today to take this picture, she told me how much she enjoyed having Dylan in her class this year and what a great kid he is. I already know these things about him, but it's still very nice to hear.
There were several groups of blubbering 6th grade girls roaming the halls, hugging their former teachers, crying and saying goodbye. Even though I liked Northridge as a student, my own memories of leaving after 6th grade were more like this: "Woo-hoo! I'm out of here!"
Here's a picture of me and my friends from the last day of 6th grade in 1981. I'm in the blue shirt. We don't look too devastated about moving on to Hughes, do we?

Now the challenge will be keeping summer boredom at bay. Dylan's not too good at busying himself, and last summer he moped around the house a lot, which drove me nuts. This summer, I've got loads of activities lined up for him. We'll see if that makes a difference.