Saturday was a big day for me, with four dance teams competing in Jamestown. I had to be there early, and hit the road at 6:30 am. By 7:30 am, my car was dead at Exit 230.
Luckily, one of my dance families saw me and stopped. I hopped in with them and made it to Jamestown in time. I caught a ride home with another family at the end of the day.
The family who picked me up also generously offered to loan us their car trailer to bring my car home, which we did yesterday. How nice of them, especially since we had been quoted $450 to have it towed.
Here are some pics of Brad using a hand-winch to get it up on the trailer.

If something like this HAS to happen, things couldn't have gone much better. I made it to my event, my teams danced well, the weather cooperated, and we had plenty of time to take care of this on Sunday. The bad news: $3300 for a replacement engine. Yikes. But still cheaper than a new car.