I'm starting to realize that I must have an obsessive personality. I never used to be like this, and I don't know what has changed, but I can't seem to help it.
My current obsession...TWILIGHT.
I finally decided to read it because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now I know. These books totally drew me in. I loved the Bella character because she is authenticly teenage - klutzy, insecure, self-conscious. I loved the Edward character because, well, because HE'S EDWARD. Who wouldn't want a practically invincible man who adores you and protects you and wants nothing more than your happiness?
Stephanie Meyer's take on vegetarian vampires is an interesting twist, and she gets the details of longing and desire right. The other books in the saga, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, expand the concepts nicely; I was completely hooked and couldn't put them down.
Even though I found the conclusion of the story arc satisfying, I didn't want to exit the Twilight Universe when I was done. My obsession still has a grip on me, and I'm not sorry for that.