Thursday, March 29

Under the Big Top

Connor's preschool class at the YMCA presented its spring program for families. I took some pictures, but the quality is marginal because of the fluorescent lighting. The kids did a swimming demonstration in the pool first. Here they are making a train:

Here is Connor showing off his Koosh Ball skills:

Here is Connor crossing the balance beam:

The show had a circus theme, just like three years ago (is that all??) when Dylan was there. That year, the kids decorated circus shirts to wear during the show and had their faces painted. Here's Dylan at his YMCA preschool spring show:

Tuesday, March 27

Happy Birthday, Josie

You're such a doll!

Sunday, March 25

United We Dance Fargo

I took three teams to Just For Kix competition in Fargo last weekend, and we came away with three ribbons! It was a very good year for us: between the Jamestown and Fargo competitions, all five Bismarck North teams placed in their divisions. Here are some pictures from Fargo.

Jazz earned 2nd place

Junior Kix earned 3rd place

Senior Kix earned 4th place

Saturday, March 24

James Morrison

Brad and I caught a performance by Brit James Morrison on Jay Leno this week. Wow, I was impressed. His voice is great - so expressive and dead on. It takes true talent to perform stripped down like this.

We got this song when it was a free iTunes download awhile back, and just last week I told Brad that it was growing on me. Very soulful and smooth.

Here's the vid from Leno:

Friday, March 23

Happy Birthday, Darius

Happy Birthday, Darius! Here's a great photo of him and Rachel and the girls.

One of my favorite memories of him is when he tried to teach me to play pool. Maybe someday I'll catch on.

Wednesday, March 21

Here's Muck In Your Eye

We're all sick with a nasty cold here, and as usual, Connor got the worst of it. In fact, his version of this cold comes complete with pink eye! Poor kid. He seems more bothered by the eye drops to treat the infection than the infection itself.

Friday, March 16

Roll Bounce

I caught this movie tonight on HBO. It was great! Set in about 1979, it made me nostalgic for the days of my youth when I spent lots of time practicing my skating down at the tennis courts, and every weekend at Wheel-A-While. "All skate!"

Bow Wow plays the lead role of Xavier Smith, and he's terrific.

Here's the trailer if you care to see some hip 70's duds and some smooth skating:

Thursday, March 15


I stumbled across this today. I hadn't seen it since Episode I came out in 1999. I thought it was brilliant because it sums up the the plot of three movies in one image.

Wednesday, March 14

United We Dance Jamestown

Two of my Just For Kix classes competed on Saturday at a JFK competition in Jamestown. They worked so hard, and they danced beautifully.

My Mini Kix (4th & 5th graders) got 2nd place in their division:

My Jazz dancers (5th-8th graders) got 1st place in their division:

By the end of taking these photos, our faces felt like the Barbie tour guide at the end of Toy Story 2.

I'm not very competitive, so competitions are not a big deal for me, but it does motivate my kids to work harder and dance better. It was quite a thrill for them.

Sunday, March 11

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

Spring made an early appearance today, and we ended up at an impromptu barbeque at the neighbor's house.


Megan, Steve, and Brad

Jake, Dylan, Connor and Holly were busy all night chopping up the ice dam at the end of their driveway.

There was still enough snow to keep the beer chilled.

Morgan, Holly, Connor, Dylan, Jake, Dylan, Ben

We even christened their new fire pit.

Holly and Jake making s'mores

Brad and Connor by the fire

Thursday, March 8


Brad and I saw Tom Higgenson from Plain White T's perform this song on Jay Leno recently. I couldn't find the TV clip of the live performance, but here's the video. Beautiful song, cool video.

Seeing leg warmers on her made me feel so much better about the fact that I've started wearing them again. I wore them 25 years ago as a fashion statement, but they really do work for dancing!

Wednesday, March 7

100 Greatest Vocalists

British music rag Q Magazine has published its list of the 100 Greatest Singers:

11. Liam Gallagher
10. Jeff Buckley
09. Mick Jagger
08. Robert Plant
07. Kurt Cobain
06. Marvin Gaye
05. John Lennon
04. Otis Redding
03. Frank Sinatra
02. Aretha Franklin
01. Elvis Presley

Sadly, I think his inclusion on this list is based on past achievements. His great voice has deteriorated in recent years to a husky rasp. Sad, sad, sad.

Here's a clip that showcases how good his voice used to be. This song was a b-side from 2000. Oasis is infamous for releasing terrific songs like this one as b-sides. This is a fan video. I stumbled onto it on YouTube; otherwise, I wouldn't have even known about the song. Since it's not available as a single download, I'm currently struggling with the fact that I'll have to eventually fork over around $10 to buy the single from Amazon to get this song.

"Let's All Make Believe"

Saturday, March 3

Gap Smile



This was his sixth tooth to fall out, and the first on top. How exciting!

And Connor said, "Take a picture of me, too!" Ok!

Friday, March 2

Performance Season

I've been crazy busy with Just For Kix performances lately. I have only one week without a performance in February and March. Here's how it adds up for those seven weeks:

13 basketball half-times
7 show performances
5 competition performances (Jamestown & Fargo)

As of today, 14 down, 9 to go.

Addendum--Clearly, I am not gifted in math. My numbers should have read: 16 down, 9 to go.

Thursday, March 1

MMM Happy Anniversary

Wow. It's been a year since I started posting regularly to this blog. What a kick to go back to those early posts. They were all about Oasis at the beginning, much to the chagrin of some friends & readers! I guess it evolved into a record of our family life and my own random thoughts.

The obsession with Oasis is still going strong, but sometimes it gets a little hard coming up with other stuff to write about. Ahh, the pressure of pleasing my loyal readership!