Wednesday, March 7

100 Greatest Vocalists

British music rag Q Magazine has published its list of the 100 Greatest Singers:

11. Liam Gallagher
10. Jeff Buckley
09. Mick Jagger
08. Robert Plant
07. Kurt Cobain
06. Marvin Gaye
05. John Lennon
04. Otis Redding
03. Frank Sinatra
02. Aretha Franklin
01. Elvis Presley

Sadly, I think his inclusion on this list is based on past achievements. His great voice has deteriorated in recent years to a husky rasp. Sad, sad, sad.

Here's a clip that showcases how good his voice used to be. This song was a b-side from 2000. Oasis is infamous for releasing terrific songs like this one as b-sides. This is a fan video. I stumbled onto it on YouTube; otherwise, I wouldn't have even known about the song. Since it's not available as a single download, I'm currently struggling with the fact that I'll have to eventually fork over around $10 to buy the single from Amazon to get this song.

"Let's All Make Believe"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. obscure. even the russians don't have that song!