Monday, July 30

Kaleidoscope 2007 Pix

Finally, here are some pictures from our Kaleidoscope Chorus Line last month.

"Boys of the Old Brigade"

Lisa, Sheryl K, Eileen, me

Amy, Sheryl S, Lynette

Sheila and Marcy kill time between performances

Waiting backstage to go on

"All That Jazz"

Sunday, July 29

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

Forty years today - congratulations!

Here's a great picture of them at their pre-wedding rehearsal dinner:

Haven't changed a bit!

Thursday, July 26

Happy Anniversary to Us

Sixteen years ago today!

Here's a funny picture of us around the time we got engaged in April 1990:

Seems like three lifetimes ago...

Wednesday, July 25


We came home from soccer tonight to find a giant moth on our front door:

Here's a close up:

The boys caught it in their net:

And I got some video of when they released it:

Saturday, July 21

Potter Party

The final book in the Harry Potter series was released today. We've been waiting for this day since Dylan finished book six a few months ago. We went down to Barnes & Noble for their release party last night. It was fun for the boys to dress up in their wizard costumes and see all the other great costumes there. They had their pictures taken with the Harry cutout:

Connor didn't want his picture taken, but we snuck one in.

We didn't stay at the party until midnight to buy the book, so we had to make a trip down this morning to get it. Dylan has had his nose in this book a lot today.

I'm a little nervous about reading this book because I'm afraid of how it might end. I know it's not going to be without some kind of tragedy.

Tuesday, July 17

Day Tripper

The boys and I took a short drive north today to visit my folks, who are camping near the fish hatchery south of Garrison Dam. It's a beautiful campground, much like our own Sibley Park, and very quiet on a Tuesday afternoon.

Here's their rig:

And a few shots of the front porch:

On the way home, I listened to U2's Joshua Tree. I was transported back in time to 1987-88 when I attended Headquarters Academy of Hair Design in Minot. I listened to that album a lot that year on my weekly drive back to Bismarck on Friday nights.

Moments after the first song started, Dylan said, "This is "Where The Streets Have No Name". I said, "Ten points for Gryffindor!" Pretty good for an 8-year-old.

I took some snaps on the way home, too:


Connor working on his Star Wars coloring book

Dylan zonked in mid-erase

It was a great little trip, and nice to get out of town and do something different for a change.

Monday, July 16

Congratulations Gary & Susan

A new member of the family arrived today. This is Leah Marie,

and this is big brother Chase holding his new sister.

Mom and baby are doing great. Welcome Leah!

Saturday, July 14

As Long As They've Got...

Well, I broke down and bought Oasis's single "Go Let It Out", because I wanted the two b-sides on it. "Let's All Make Believe" is a beautiful, haunting song that I'd heard when I stumbled onto a video that used it as the soundtrack. "Cigarettes In Hell" I hadn't heard at all, and it turned out to be a terrific song, too! Smoking is usually a turn-off for me, but the lyrics are hilarious.

I can't find an audio or video recording of it, so I'll have to settle for reprinting the lyrics of the chorus.

I don't mind not being immortal,
'Cause it ain't all that as far as I can tell,
And I don't mind not going to heaven,
As long as they've got cigarettes,
As long as they've got cigarettes in hell.

Wednesday, July 11

Ben Folds - Landed

I saw this TV ad one night and the song struck me immediately. I think I actually teared up a bit.

I had to have the song, but who was it? After a little digging, I discovered it is a song by Ben Folds called "Landed". Here's the video for the whole song:

My favorite lyric:
If you rub me off, I'd understand it
Cause I've been on some other planet
So come pick me up
I've landed

It's part of a distinctive series of TV spots for Hilton Journeys. Click here to see other ads in the series.

Tuesday, July 10

Safety Village

Connor recently completed the two-week Safety Village course offered by Parks & Rec. He had lots of fun, as did Dylan when he took the course three years ago. They talk about all kinds of safety and learn many of the concepts through little songs.

Here's a clip of a song called "Buckle Up". Dylan took the footage, so it's a bit jumpy and you have to tilt your head toward the end.

Monday, July 9

Egg Drop

Dylan went to Cub Scout day camp last month and had a great time. The camp concluded with an egg drop, in which each camper wrapped up a raw egg to be dropped from a height. Nothing could be attached to the egg, and the finished package could not be larger than 6x6x6 inches. Those whose eggs survived earned a special bead (and the admiration of their fellow campers).

Dylan's idea was to encase his egg in bubble wrap and Jell-O. It took three packages of Jell-O and lots of duct tape to keep the box together. We kept it in the fridge, and I brought it up to camp at the last minute. I was surprised to see the height from which the eggs were dropped. MDU had one of their utility trucks there, and it was high!

When Dylan's hit the pavement, the box split open and a bit of Jell-O squirted out, much to the delight of the crowd of boys.

The egg verifiers had a tough time getting it out of the bubble wrap, but when they did, they discovered an intact egg! They broke it to make sure it wasn't hard boiled, and Dylan got his bead. Several eggs survived, a testament to the engineering feats and ingenuity of the scouts and their families.