Friday, August 31

Oh, Shari


Thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 27

Back to School

Another school year begins for our third grader:

And a new era begins for our kindergartner:

I only brushed away a few tears when we dropped him off after lunch today.

Sunday, August 26

Up Up Up

The National Weather Service hosted an open house today, during which they released a weather balloon. Before the release, they explained a bit about the process of collecting weather data with the balloons. Our local weather station releases two balloons every day, at a cost of about $500 a pop.

Here's a shot of the little box that contains the equipment. It looks suspiciously like a Chinese takeout box.

There was even a guy on a real red phone, which I think was some kind of direct line to the airport tower, so they could get last-minute clearance to launch.

Here's the set up...

...and the take off.

I can still see it!

Saturday, August 25

Saturday Brunch

French Toast!

Tuesday, August 21

Rocket Man

Sunday was Cub Scout Rocket Day. Dylan had a BLAST.

Building the rocket.

Packing the rocket.

Ready on the launch pad.

After retreiving his rocket.

Sunday, August 19


This weekend was the CHS Class of 1987 20th reunion. I was hesitant to go, but it went really well. It turns out people DO grow up. It also helped that my first drink was a stiff one.

Rift played the dance, which was the main reason I went. They were a big hit.

And my outfit was so good that it was well worth the weeks of shopping it took to find it.

I was proud of myself because I worked the room and talked to a lot of people. It was actually good to talk to my classmates and catch up. It was also a nice reminder of how well my own life has turned out (so far).

Dave & I had lockers side-by-side for six years.

Craig has two adorable kids.

Dean's wife Hannah was a BLAST.

Click here for photos on the CHS reunion website.
Click here for photos on the BHS reunion website.

There were several people I wanted to see who didn't come, but there's talk of a 25th!

Michelle (VH) F. did a lot of work to make this reunion happen. Thanks, Michelle!

Wednesday, August 15

Pelican Lake

My friend Denise invited us to spend a few days with them at her father's lake home on Pelican Lake this week. The weather didn't cooperate, but the kids had a terrific time on the lake, and it was GREAT to get away for a mini-vacation.

Taryn, Brooke, Ethan, Dylan, Connor

Wednesday, August 8


Tonight was our annual visit to the amusement park with the Rolfsons. Their boys and our boys are always instant buddies, even though we only see them once a year.


Saturday, August 4

Radcliffes Visit ND

We had the pleasure of hosting Rachel, Darius and Josie for four days this week. This is a big deal for us because Bismarck is a long way from their home in Ethiopia. Truly an honor.

Josie is a doll - very sweet and cooperative. Her little voice saying, "Auntie?" melts my heart.

I didn't take nearly enough pictures during their visit, so about all I have is a couple of hastily thrown together group shots.

Thanks for coming! Love ya!

Wednesday, August 1

Are You Ready For Some Futbol?

Today was the last day of the summer soccer season. Dylan had a great season, with some really good games and match-ups.

Connor started out hesitantly, avoiding the ball whenever possible. He came around halfway through the season, and ended up having a lot of fun.