Sunday, August 19


This weekend was the CHS Class of 1987 20th reunion. I was hesitant to go, but it went really well. It turns out people DO grow up. It also helped that my first drink was a stiff one.

Rift played the dance, which was the main reason I went. They were a big hit.

And my outfit was so good that it was well worth the weeks of shopping it took to find it.

I was proud of myself because I worked the room and talked to a lot of people. It was actually good to talk to my classmates and catch up. It was also a nice reminder of how well my own life has turned out (so far).

Dave & I had lockers side-by-side for six years.

Craig has two adorable kids.

Dean's wife Hannah was a BLAST.

Click here for photos on the CHS reunion website.
Click here for photos on the BHS reunion website.

There were several people I wanted to see who didn't come, but there's talk of a 25th!

Michelle (VH) F. did a lot of work to make this reunion happen. Thanks, Michelle!

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