Saturday, October 6

Happy Birthday, Dylan

He's 9!

When I was a kid, my mom used to make special cakes for our birthdays. These were regular sheet cakes cut into shapes and frosted to look like a rocket, or a clown, or a guitar.

I'd like our kids to have similarly fond memories of their special birthdays, so I asked Dylan what kind of cake he'd like. He said he wanted a golden snitch cake. You know, the flying ball that Harry Potter chases in the game of quidditch. It took two tries, but I managed to make a spherical golden snitch cake!

I baked it in two pyrex bowls and set one half on top of the other, held together with toothpicks. I was pretty proud of myself on that one. Brad added the crowning touch: two construction paper wings and the Gryffindor crest on the cake board. Dylan loved his cake.

We hosted his friend party at Snoopers Tons of Fun. We'd had a couple of bad experiences there at other kids' parties, but this time it was terrific. It really helped that we had the place almost to ourselves. The pizza was delicious, and the kids had a great time.

Sock-footed fun

Doling out game tokens

The place to ourselves

I'll post some more pictures from his family party soon.

Happy Birthday, Number One!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday, dylan! may the force be with you!

Unknown said...

i love the cake, dylan! what a great idea.

my mom used to do the same thing for us and i remember them all very fondly :)