Saturday, October 27


Tonight was Northridge's annual PTO fundraiser called Spooghetti Supper. Since the kids aren't allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school anymore, this is also a chance for them to show off their costumes to their friends. It's a good time for a good cause.

This year we've got two Harry Potters - the Quidditch Harry and the regular Harry. The temporary black hairspray didn't totally wash out of Connor's hair, so now it's got a bit of a grayish hue. Connor was so unrecognizable with black hair that both sets of grandparents didn't know who he was.


Unknown said...

they both look so great!

it makes me sad that the costumes in school have gone away, though. we looked so forward to that as kids.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't tell if that was Dylan or Connor in the last photo! i thought they'd switched costumes!