Friday, December 28

The Long Winter Night

This morning was Dylan's annual EEG brainwave scan. For this test, his brain must be extremely tired, so we have to keep him up all night. I took the first shift, during which we did a jigsaw puzzle, played several rounds of his US geography card game, and watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I took this picture of Dylan just before I woke Brad at 4:00 am for his shift to start.

He and Brad spent the rest of the night putting together two new Lego sets that Dylan had gotten for Christmas and saved for his long, sleepless night. They worked for five hours and finished both before his 9 am appointment.

Here is a picture of Dylan hooked up with the pilot cap for the test.

They were home at 10 am, and both went right to bed. Here's a picture of Dylan with his two completed Lego sets after he slept a few hours.

We'll get results when we meet with his neurologist next Friday. I'll report back after that.

Tuesday, December 25

Peace from me to you.

Monday, December 24

Dylan's Christmas Brain Teaser

Dylan conceived and executed this video himself, with a little help from Brad.

Translation of his introduction: "Do you know what song this is? Well, try and figure it out."

Hint: notice what letter is missing from his alphabet.

My favorite part is his expression at the very end. My second favorite part is that this video documents that stage when his new permanent teeth are coming in.

Thursday, December 20

RS Page 86

As I was making my way through the last issue of Rolling Stone, I turned to the "Downloads" page to find a review of "Lord Don't Slow Me Down," the recently released single by Oasis. I was surprised to see it there because, while they still warrant many column-inches a week in England and grace the covers of numerous magazines abroad, Oasis is virtually ignored, I daresay unknown, in the U.S.

The text reads:
"By both musical and biological standards, the hard-living, hard-brawling Brothers Gallagher should've expired years ago, but they're still cranking out records at a decent three-year rate, causing Brits to cheer and Americans to say, "O-ay-who?"Here's reason to care again: This single from their forthcoming disc is a hot blues-rock kick, with Noel howling about that really irritating itch that only smack can scratch." Kevin O'Donnell

This is a terrific song, and I blogged about it in October. Go on, have another listen.

Tuesday, December 18

Rock And Roll Heaven's Gate

This is one of my two favorite songs from Despite Our Differences by Indigo Girls. The look of the video is a bit disturbing, but I love Amy's plaid pants and the synchronized dance by the paper dolls.

The best part of the song itself is the guest vocal by Pink, who adds a powerhouse countermelody toward the end.

Sunday, December 16

Let's Hear It For Lefse

Dawn blogged last month about making lefse, and I got inspired to follow suit. It's something I try to do once or twice each winter. Making lefse used to be an all-day affair until I started cooking on two irons simultaneously. I inherited one iron from my mother-in-law, and then I found one at a rummage sale a few years ago. Now it goes much faster. This batch only lasted about three days because even Connor eats it. I like mine with butter and sugar. Yum!

Wednesday, December 12

I Got Elfed

I got elfed!

This takes awhile to load, but I hope you'll find it's worth it.

Tuesday, December 11

Short Skirt Long Jacket

We're still watching and enjoying Chuck. It's funny, and I especially like the references to pop culture. Here's a clip of the opening credits, which feature "Short Skirt Long Jacket" by Cake.

Saturday, December 8

Dylan, The Masked Marvel

Here's a quick smile for you.


Friday, December 7


Connor's doctor said having one's tonsils removed is a strange surgery because the patient looks fine on the outside, but feels like a truck hit him. He said that during the recovery period, Connor would feel rotten for days without improvement, and then suddenly feel better.

Today was the day Connor felt better.

Monday, December 3

Say "Aahhhhh"

Connor had surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids last Thursday. Everything went as planned, and his recovery has gone exactly as his doctor predicted. The first few days have been hard, and it was tough for me to go to work this morning and be away from him. We just have to remember to stay on top of his pain medicine and encourage/force him to keep drinking fluids.

Hopefully this will all be worth it when he heals.