Thursday, December 20

RS Page 86

As I was making my way through the last issue of Rolling Stone, I turned to the "Downloads" page to find a review of "Lord Don't Slow Me Down," the recently released single by Oasis. I was surprised to see it there because, while they still warrant many column-inches a week in England and grace the covers of numerous magazines abroad, Oasis is virtually ignored, I daresay unknown, in the U.S.

The text reads:
"By both musical and biological standards, the hard-living, hard-brawling Brothers Gallagher should've expired years ago, but they're still cranking out records at a decent three-year rate, causing Brits to cheer and Americans to say, "O-ay-who?"Here's reason to care again: This single from their forthcoming disc is a hot blues-rock kick, with Noel howling about that really irritating itch that only smack can scratch." Kevin O'Donnell

This is a terrific song, and I blogged about it in October. Go on, have another listen.

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