Thursday, March 13

3rd Grade Music Program

Here are some pics from the Northridge 3rd grade music program a few weeks ago. We came away from it quite impressed. I have some experience putting on large-scale performances, so I know how difficult these things can be. Their music teacher managed 104 kids onstage by herself just fine. There was no down-time between numbers because they vamped on a refrain as the kids moved around, which made the 35 minutes fly by. All in all, it was a very well put together presentation.

The program was presented in the Knaak Center at Bismarck High, which is a terrific performance venue.

Dylan got to play a hand drum for one song. He's got really good rhythm. Those are his two good buddies, Mack and Connor, also playing.

While Dylan loved playing his part on the hand drum, he seemed mostly disinterested in the singing portions. Oh well, we already know he's not really a performer-type. Hard to believe, considering his parents...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't these dudes cooool??? Wow...Big D is really growing up!!
