Tuesday, May 6

Fishbowl 4 Sale

Our old house is for sale again. I looked it up online and discovered that there was an open house Sunday, so we popped in for a peek. It was a fun stroll down memory lane, and I was waxing nostalgic about the "good old days" in that house.

Brad and I bought it in 1992 for $48,000; we sold it in 2000 for $68,000. (Did you see what they're asking now?!?) Admittedly, there are new appliances and windows, and the market is going bonkers in Bismarck right now, but that seems pretty high for such a small house with no yard, unless you count the capitol grounds across the street.

I actually liked living on a busy corner. It always felt like we were in the thick of things. We called it the "Fishbowl House" because passersby could see what we were up to. People would say, "I saw you were giving a haircut yesterday," or "I saw you were up late last night." On a quiet evening, we would sit in the front, drink a beer, and watch the traffic roll by.

The house is very well staged for selling. That must be a big business now.

I was surprised to see that the two bathrooms we had remodeled where unchanged, especially because every other room had been painted.

The basement had full windows, which made it so light and not-basement-y.

Brad taught lessons in these last two basement rooms. The current owners sure do have a better sense of decor than we did.

Here are some pics I scanned in of our 7 1/2 years in the house:

October 29, 1992 - the day we signed papers. (Also the day my niece, Kassy, was born.)

Brad and I in the living room, Christmas 1992.

Baby Dylan and I in the (recently remodeled) upstairs bathrom, March 1999.

Brad and Dylan in the drumset room downstairs.

Dylan watching Brad in the marimba room downstairs (girl's red bedroom above).

The dining room decorated for Dylan's first birthday party, October 1999.


Anonymous said...

hey! i know BOTH those houses!
for the record, i liked the colors you and brad had in the house more than the current colors. they're kind of circus-y. especially the green and yellow. and i always felt sad that they put up that fence around the whole yard.
i have fond memories of times we spent in that house. and i certainly had my share of haircuts in the kitchen, too!
thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

i loved the fishbowl. every time i got to visit i admired the great wood floors and the coziness of it.