Saturday, June 28

Kaleidoscope 2008

Brad and I are again performing in the Kaleidoscope variety show this week. As usual, Brad plays in the band and I dance with the chorus line for two numbers.

We are also doing a piece together, just the two of us. Brad's aunt, Sister Eleanor, commissioned us to perform at her 50th Jubilee celebration. We chose a marimba solo, and I choreographed a lyrical dance to it. We performed it today at Annunciation Priory, and we're also doing it at both Kaleidoscope shows.

Thursday, June 19

Song of the Moment

Here's a new feature of Michele's Mundane Musings: Song of the Moment - a song that has dominated my iPod for about a week.

Today's Song of the Moment: "Right Down the Line" by Gerry Rafferty. Take four and a half minutes to enjoy a great song.


Monday, June 16

We'll Be Loyal Scouts

Dylan and I spent the weekend at the Heart Butte Boy Scout reservation on Lake Tschida for the Webelos Cub Scout camp. Here are some pictures of the busy weekend we had.

Our lodging...a nice tent, but the night was cold and the ground was hard.

Saluting the flag...very tall poles on a very wind-swept bluff.

Raising the ND flag

Climbing tower...I took a turn, too, for my first time on a climbing tower, and I'm proud to say that I made it to the top. Sorry, no pictures to post of that.

Fishing...not Dylan's favorite activity

Canoeing...Dylan's favorite activity of the weekend.

BB guns

Archery...another activity that I tried. I managed to put 10 out of 15 arrows into the board. It's been about 25 years since I fired an arrow in junior high phy ed, so I was pretty happy.

Campfire...who doesn't love a campfire?

Dylan had a terrific experience at his first overnight scout camp. As we drove away on Sunday, he asked if he could come back next year. Yep, but next time I'm bringing an air mattress.

Thursday, June 12

Egg Head

This week was Cub Scout Day Camp, the highlight of which was an egg drop. Last year, Dylan used bubble wrap and Jell-O to protect his egg. It worked! This year he opted for bubble wrap and partially inflated balloons.

MDU donated a truck from which to drop the eggs. All 130 boys at the camp gathered around to see which ones survived. It's always exciting when they break open and go splat on the pavement.

Dylan's strategy worked! His egg survived, and he earned the special "egg drop" bead.

Saturday, June 7

Running with the Big Boys

Connor finally tried the climbing wall at the amusement park, and look how well he did! He made it all the way to the top. The minimum weight is 35 pounds (enough so that the harness brings you down when you let go), so at 37 pounds, he had a slow descent.

Here's another thing that shows Connor's growing up - he got his first tattoo! Just kidding - it's a temporary, of course, but it sure looked real.

Monday, June 2

Freeze Frame

We did a family photo session yesterday with Brad's family. I edited up a few shots of the kids for fun.

Dylan & Connor

Chase & Leah

The Cousins