Monday, September 29


Connor has wanted a Star Wars Lego Sandcrawler for over two years. We haven't bought him one because they cost $140, so he's been saving his Christmas and birthday money. After his birthday this month, he finally had enough to buy one, so we ordered it online and it arrived this week.

He spent the whole day Saturday building it, and finished it yesterday. Brad estimates he spent at least 12 hours total over two days. That's focus!

Friday, September 26

Gold and Silver and Sunshine

Here's a sneak-peek at Gold and Silver and Sunshine, an upcoming documentary on the making of Dig Out Your Soul.

For a die-hard Oasis fan like myself, this is a must-see. And, at over eight minutes long, it's packed with interesting interviews and great footage, not to mention oozing with cool. It's also fun to hear that Manc accent that sounds like a mouthful of marbles.

It appears that the documentary will only be available as part of some limited-edition deluxe packaging, so I hope I can get my hands on it.

Wednesday, September 24


Ethan and Dylan playing Guitar Hero for Wii.

The Guitar Hero is Ethan's, and the Wii was a combination gift for the boys' birthdays. So far, it's been a big hit.

Saturday, September 20

Fall Parade

Connor and Brad enjoying some parade shenanigans. Dylan was too old and cool to partake in the fun for this photo. (He's almost 10, you know.)

Wednesday, September 17

Song of the Moment

"The Shock of the Lightning"

Here's the first single off the new Oasis album, Dig Out Your Soul, which drops on October 6. I'm not crazy about the video, but the song rocks. It's not really a true "Song of the Moment" because I'm not listening to it constantly, but I know I will be when I finally get my hands on it.

The band played this song at the show we attended earlier this month, and it was absolutely pummeling. Love it! Take four minutes to enjoy a terrific new Oasis song.

Saturday, September 13

Noel Gallagher

On September 7, Noel Gallagher was attacked while playing onstage with Oasis in Toronto. (Click ahead to about 1:15 for the actual moment.)


This guy somehow eluded security and made it onstage. As you can see in the video, Noel fell hard on his monitor. After a 15 minute delay, the band returned to finish the show.

The sad part is that they had to cancel two shows because Noel has been ordered on bedrest to heal a cracked rib and torn ligaments. This idiot's momentary rash act left loads of fans out of a concert and a tour crew out of work. At least Noel's kept his sense of humor: "Nowt down today, droogs," he wrote on his blog. "Spent all day in bed suffering from my severe tickling at the hands of that drunken Canadian who, it transpires, is a grown man of 47 years!! (And I thought I was the oldest person at our gigs!)"

Also of interest, as of this posting, this video has racked up almost 1.5 million views. This incident even warranted mention by the media. I've had three friends call to make sure I'd heard about it. Sadly, yes.

Saturday, September 6

Happy Birthday, Connor

Look who's seven!

Tuesday, September 2


The day finally came - Oasis concert in Winnipeg! Here's the story, Morning Glory.

Brad and I hit the road Monday morning, Labor Day 2008. The closer we got to Canada, the thicker the Manitoba license plates got. By the time we hit the border, the cars were lined up 30 deep and five lanes wide. This made for a 45 minute wait; however, once we got to the gate, it was quick.

Once we got into Canada, it took me awhile to adjust to kilometers ("Wow, these miles are just flying by!), and then the rain came. I've never seen INSANE RAIN like this. Good thing Brad was driving because I was panicking.

We did finally arrive at the MTS Centre in downtown Winnipeg, zoomed easily into a parking lot ("Seven dollars, please. Yes, we take American cash."), and found our way down to the basement where we had a reservation at the Exchange Restaurant and Beer Market. Yummy $16.95 buffet meal and Stella on tap.

There were two opening acts. Matt Costa played a 30 minute acoustic set. It was pretty good but didn't bowl me over. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals then played a smokin' hour-long set. His dry sense of humor was funny.

Oasis played a short, 18-song set, which sounded AWESOME. It wasn't too loud and the sound quality was clear. I had seen the setlist posted from the previous stops on their Canadian tour, so we knew what they would play.

The timing was right, all the pieces fell into place, and the stars aligned to make this event happen for me. I'll always remember this quick trip and this terrific concert experience.