Saturday, September 13

Noel Gallagher

On September 7, Noel Gallagher was attacked while playing onstage with Oasis in Toronto. (Click ahead to about 1:15 for the actual moment.)


This guy somehow eluded security and made it onstage. As you can see in the video, Noel fell hard on his monitor. After a 15 minute delay, the band returned to finish the show.

The sad part is that they had to cancel two shows because Noel has been ordered on bedrest to heal a cracked rib and torn ligaments. This idiot's momentary rash act left loads of fans out of a concert and a tour crew out of work. At least Noel's kept his sense of humor: "Nowt down today, droogs," he wrote on his blog. "Spent all day in bed suffering from my severe tickling at the hands of that drunken Canadian who, it transpires, is a grown man of 47 years!! (And I thought I was the oldest person at our gigs!)"

Also of interest, as of this posting, this video has racked up almost 1.5 million views. This incident even warranted mention by the media. I've had three friends call to make sure I'd heard about it. Sadly, yes.

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