Thursday, February 5

Song of the Moment


Jesse McCartney - "How Do You Sleep"

Jesse McCartney is my new PYT, and this song is just about all I've been listening to for over a week. I obsessively watch the video at work, and I wake up with the song in my head.

I know, I know, I'm the wrong demographic for this song and this singer. I can't explain why lately I'm drawn to these new young artists. Maybe I suffer from the Benjamin Button syndrome...getting younger over time. The funny thing is, I know that my 20-year-old self would have HATED this.

In addition to being a terrific song, I also love this video for its stylish look and clever editing. Jesse's crisp suit and dark aviators are ultra-cool, and the slow-motion plays up a physical quality that I admire - precision and economy of movement. Check out the folding chair walk-over and the microphone flip after his bow at the end. Watch it in high quality from the YouTube site if you can - the whole thing just looks great in sharp detail. To quote Jodi - "HOT!"


The Chasing Mom said...

Leah ran into my room last night and started dancing to Wonderwall. Dancing and Oasis...what exactly do you guys do when you watch the kids?

Jodi said...

SWEET! All class!