Tuesday, May 5

Three Little Pigs


FLASHBACK: Here's a video I took a year ago. At the end of third grade, the kids in Dylan's class were paired up to present readings of alternate versions of fairy tales. Dylan and his friend Connor presented "Three Little Pigs" in class, and I had them do it again at home so I could take this video.

My favorite parts are when Connor grins and drops character to remember his line, and the way Dylan silently mouths Connor's lines.

Dylan has changed so much since this video was taken! Where has this little boy gone??


Jodi said...

I know- they just grow up, and one day they aren't the little one they used to be! I had to blink a little when I read your words.

Dave said...

sounds fun, wish you had videoed Dylan's (and I'm guessing Connor's too) rhythm clapping exercises. you, I'm sure are undoubtedly a proud mom!