Friday, July 10

Extreme Home Makeover

We've lived in our house for nine years. That whole time I never liked the color, but we've had our hands full with other projects...until now.

Before - Clearly, we waited too long for this project. The paint was peeling off in huge patches all over the house.

Scraped and primed - The scraping took me about a week; the priming took a day.

Done! - I love the color, and so do many others, who pulled over to shout compliments from their cars. It's hard to describe - somewhere between dark brown and dark gray, depending on the light. As far as I can tell, our house has been three shades of green in its 50 years, and I can see why. Changing colors is a lot of work with a coat of primer and two coats of paint on the whole thing!

Connor was excited that Brad took him up on the roof to paint the peak,

and he did great.

This is the second house we've painted. The first was our old house on 7th Street, which we painted in 1999, and which still looks smashing. Hopefully, this paint job lasts as long.

1 comment:

dt said...

love, love, love it!