Saturday, June 19

100 Years of Scouting

2010 is the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts, and the Northern Lights Council hosted a huge Centennial Celebration campout at the North Dakota state capitol grounds.

It was the first time anyone was allowed to camp on the capitol grounds. There were around 3000 Scouts and adults there, which was about twice what they were expecting! Brad took this photo of the Cub Scout tent area from the top of the capitol building.

Over the three-day event, Connor got to participate in many fun activities like using a fire hose,

and sitting in a national guard helicopter.

The climbing wall was his favorite - look at that smile!

Thursday, June 17

Harry Potter Wizarding World, Trip of a Lifetime - Part 4: Hard Rock Hotel

We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel on the Universal property. This is not the way we usually roll, so it was a huge thrill for me, especially, to stay in a posh hotel. The service was excellent everywhere on the property, and I felt pampered. The music memorabilia displayed around the hotel was pretty interesting, but my two favorite parts of the Hard Rock were the pool and the constant music throughout.

This is the front desk. The minute we walked through the front doors, I knew we were in the right place. I like loud music, and it was ever present here. I felt energized and really cool just being there.

The play list varied according to the time of day, day of the week, and even the weather. All the songs were about rain the day it was storming.

The pool was amazing. Each time we entered the pool area, there was a towel attendant who asked, "How many towels today?" The far side gradually sloped down like a beach, with white sand and row upon row of lounge chairs.

The servers from the poolside restaurant/bar worked the whole pool area, and many people hung out in the pool with their drinks.

Every day there was a different performer on this stage, and every night was "Dive In Theater" where they showed a movie on a big projection screen. Sunday afternoon was like family day with contests, sing-alongs, and games for the kids.

Over at City Walk, there is also a Hard Rock Cafe, which has an attached performance venue. All the people lined up in this photo were there for a Backstreet Boys concert. Another cool thing about staying on the Universal property was the complimentary water taxi that ran between the Hard Rock Hotel and City Walk. We walked the path and took a bike rickshaw a couple of times, but otherwise rode the water taxi.

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe twice, both times at the end of a long day. The second time Connor fell asleep at the table. Cute!

The Hard Rock Hotel had four restaurants itself.

Everything in Orlando is expensive, but three of the restaurants at the hotel were especially high-end. We ate there one night and splurged on fancy desserts.

This was us at the fountain out front waiting for the car service to take us to the airport. Connor carried his two puppets on the plane - Hedwig the owl and Norbert the baby dragon. Many people asked him about these on the plane and in the airports. He was extremely pleased to explain what they were and where he got them.

This truly was the trip of a lifetime for us. I hope the boys remember it well. We will hopefully be back someday.

Tuesday, June 15

Harry Potter Wizarding World, Trip of a Lifetime - Part 3: Universal Studios Parks

Harry Potter Wizarding World is part of Universal Studios amusement park complex, which encompasses the original Universal Studios theme park, Islands of Adventure theme park, and City Walk district.

Entrance to Islands of Adventure - we arrived every day by 8:00 am for the early admission to HP zone. Obviously, Dylan is tired of posing for endless pictures.

Mystic Fountain is an interactive fountain that Connor just loved. The fountain talks to guests and shoots them with water jets. It was hilarious to watch the kids dodging around and squealing, plus it was a fun way to cool off in the heat.

Cool photo op with Marmaduke.

All rides exit through a gift shop. This one had Star Wars stuff,

and Terminator stuff. Lots of ways to spend money here.

Connor with his hero, Spongebob Squarepants.

Scooby's Mystery Machine. We saw several characters throughout the park.

This one seemed fitting. Connor cried for a week after we got home because we weren't moving to Florida.

This is a panoramic photo of City Walk, the shopping and restaurant district just outside the two theme parks. Click on the photo for a better view. On the left is the water taxi dock - more on that in the next entry...

Blue Man Group has a theatre in City Walk dedicated just to their performances, three shows a day. The grand finale had the entire audience totally engulfed in toilet paper. It was an awesome experience!

Sunday, June 13

Harry Potter Wizarding World, Trip of a Lifetime - Part 2: The Rides

There are three rides in the Potter portion of Universal Studios: Flight of the Hippogriff, Dragon Challenge, and Forbidden Journey.

The Hippogriff ride was surprisingly fun for a short traditional coaster. Connor and I rode it over and over because there was almost no line.

Dragon Challenge, formerly known as Dueling Dragons, is an old coaster that has been refitted for the new Potter park. As its name suggests, there are two coasters that run at the same time, coming within 18 inches of each other at one point. Once was enough for me, but Dylan and Brad rode it 10 or 12 times. The queue for Dragon Challenge winds through some interesting stuff like

Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia,

the Tri-Wizard Cup,

and the dragon egg.

The big attraction ride of the Potter park is the Forbidden Journey, which is housed entirely inside the huge Hogwarts Castle. The ride itself is an amazing, realistic simulation of a broom flight. I got pretty queasy both times I rode it, but Brad and the boys rode it four times altogether.

Since we were there before the park's official opening, this ride ran only intermittently.

Aside from the ride, the queue for it was very long and really cool, worth walking through even without taking the ride. This part of the queue was the greenhouse, complete with mandrakes.

We covered our ears just in case.

Looks like Gryffindor is beating Slytherin in house points. We wondered if these points change from time to time.

One of our favorite parts of Hogwarts Castle was the portrait hall, where several of the portraits move, talk, and converse with each other.

Dumbledore's office, where a realistic projection of him would step to this balcony to address the queue.

The pensieve

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom

More than once while we were in this DATDA classroom, it snowed!

This balcony had a projection of Harry, Ron, and Hermione having a discussion. It looked very real.

The Mirror of Arised

"No Muggles"

This copy of the Daily Prophet showed photos that moved.

The last part of the queue was the Gryffindor common room.

We were impressed with how park designers carried the Potter theme through the rides added to the thrill of the whole experience.

Friday, June 11

Harry Potter Wizarding World, Trip of a Lifetime - Part I: Hogsmeade

We're Potter People, so when we heard about the new Harry Potter theme park opening at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure in Orlando, we knew it was the place for us. We booked a special HP vacation package for Memorial Week.

The grand opening was later announced as June 18, so we were REALLY hoping that there would be a "soft opening" before that. Turns out there was, and it actually was awesome to be there before the official opening. Only people who had booked a vacation package like we did were allowed in for the soft opening, so everyone there was a big fan and very excited about everything, like we were. We didn't go so far as to wear our Hogwarts robes to the park like some people, but for anyone who has read the books and seen the movies, everything in the park means something. The park designers got the details right.

Since the rest of Islands of Adventure opened at 9 am, we had to be in Harry Potter Wizarding World by 8:45 am, and they closed it down at 11 am. Therefore, we were getting up every day at 6 am, to leave the hotel by 7:30 am. We spent all five mornings in the HP park from 8-11 am.

The gate into the HP Wizarding World - "Please respect the spell limits"

The Hogsmeade high street. Note the architectural details like crooked chimneys and snow on the roofs.

The Hogwarts Express

Zonko's Joke Shop and Honeydukes Sweet Shop

Inside Zonko's

That's a lot of Pygmy Puffs. Connor bought one.

Inside Honeydukes

Bulk candy and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans at Honeydukes. We bought a lot.

Lots 'o colors and candy

All the store window displays were really cool, like this one with a giant, croaking chocolate frog. Our chocolate frog had a Helga Hufflepuff collectible card in it.

The Three Broomsticks, where we enjoyed a traditional English breakfast.

The Owlery

Public Conveniences had my favorite detail. Moaning Myrtle can be heard in the restrooms, although it's not quite authentic that she's in the men's room, too.

The Hog's Head

Dervish and Banges

There were many park employees, all in costume. I asked one if it was hot wearing all that in the heat, and she said, "Well, it IS winter."

There were dancing and martial arts demonstrations by Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students, and performances by the Hogwarts choir, including the giant frogs singing bass.

Butter Beer was sold on tap from this keg on the street. They poured it in two steps, first the liquid, then the foam from another spout.

It comes in a souvenir mug and tastes like a Wurther's candy. As we drank, the foam seemed to grow in the mug.

This is the signature photo op.

Olivander's Wand Shop - Dylan bought Ginny Weasley's wand.

Dylan holding up a stack of cauldrons.

Hagrid's Hut

This also demonstrates the attention to detail. In all other areas of the two parks, this would have read "stroller parking". I had a nice conversation here with a mom from England. There were lots of Brits there, which is understandable.

A cool fountain.

Leaving HP on our last day.