Tuesday, June 15

Harry Potter Wizarding World, Trip of a Lifetime - Part 3: Universal Studios Parks

Harry Potter Wizarding World is part of Universal Studios amusement park complex, which encompasses the original Universal Studios theme park, Islands of Adventure theme park, and City Walk district.

Entrance to Islands of Adventure - we arrived every day by 8:00 am for the early admission to HP zone. Obviously, Dylan is tired of posing for endless pictures.

Mystic Fountain is an interactive fountain that Connor just loved. The fountain talks to guests and shoots them with water jets. It was hilarious to watch the kids dodging around and squealing, plus it was a fun way to cool off in the heat.

Cool photo op with Marmaduke.

All rides exit through a gift shop. This one had Star Wars stuff,

and Terminator stuff. Lots of ways to spend money here.

Connor with his hero, Spongebob Squarepants.

Scooby's Mystery Machine. We saw several characters throughout the park.

This one seemed fitting. Connor cried for a week after we got home because we weren't moving to Florida.

This is a panoramic photo of City Walk, the shopping and restaurant district just outside the two theme parks. Click on the photo for a better view. On the left is the water taxi dock - more on that in the next entry...

Blue Man Group has a theatre in City Walk dedicated just to their performances, three shows a day. The grand finale had the entire audience totally engulfed in toilet paper. It was an awesome experience!

1 comment:

buy codeine online said...

That is so awesome Michele. I had to come back and re-read your posts about Harry Potter World so we know what to see when we go. Do you think one day is enough time to see everything there??