Wednesday, July 26

Happy Anniversary To Us

Yes, today is our anniversary. FIFTEEN YEARS! What a great milestone for us! We looked like children, right? Thinking back to when we got married, 1991 feels like a whole other lifetime. Not in a bad way. I'd never want to go back - life's much better now!

Happy Anniversary, Baby. Got you on my miiiind.

Sunday, July 23

One Woman Band

I was introduced to KT Tunstall by Jay Leno. We don't watch often, but just happened to catch her performance on The Tonight Show a few weeks back. She performed this song "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree". I was mesmerized. She uses a loop pedal, or maybe more than one, to layer sounds. So cool. I couldn't find a clip from Leno, but here's one from Jimmy Kimmel. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, July 21

Look out Keith Urban...

Bit O' Trivia: These green Wrangler cutoffs were Brad's when he was little.

Wednesday, July 19

Test Drive

There's a saying in my family: "Once you start cruising the car lots, you're going to buy a car." Let's see if that holds true.

We drove a 2003 Mini Cooper S at a local car dealer today. It looks a lot like the one above, and it's fun! I've always loved these cars, and who better to own a tiny little car than a short family? It's a 6-speed manual transmission, and it's got real get-up-and-go. Even in 4th gear, it jumped when I punched it down.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it would be so much less practical than my 1996 Subaru Outback. It has a very small cargo area (probably wouldn't transport two giant bags of poms), and we really don't need another car payment. Besides, we'd have to figure in the cost of additional speeding tickets.

We aren't in the market for a different car, but I heard a radio ad that said they had it. I doubt we'll buy it, but it's fun to think about.

Tuesday, July 18

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

This week's oppressive heat has kept us indoors a lot lately. The Scandahoovian in me isn't equipped to handle 100+ temps. The only thing to do is to:

eat watermelon

and splash in the kiddie pool.

Monday, July 17

Plenty O' Potter

Having finished the 10 books in his Star Wars-Jedi Quest series and the six books in his Star Wars-Boba Fett series, Dylan has begun reading the Harry Potter series. I only get part of the story because we read about half of it to him; the rest he reads on his own.

I love these stories, and it's great to see a kid who can't get his nose out of a book!

Monday, July 10

Happy Birthday, Kris

Happy, happy birthday, Kris!

Here's a shot of her from 1991 that I was especially proud of taking:

Here she is in another lifetime (the 1980's):

Brad said I'd be in trouble for posting these, but I couldn't resist.

My favorite thing about Kris: she doesn't judge me. If I had any secrets, she'd probably know them. Here we are at my college graduation in 1995:

Here we are last month at Kaleidoscope, where she sang and played guitar for the chorus line's "Thank God I'm a Country Girl" number.

I'm so glad to count you among my closest friends!

Saturday, July 8

Happpy Birthday, Petrea

Happy Birthday, Petrea! Here's a picture of you and Doug...

and one of you playing with Annelise. She has your face, you know!

I really enjoy our lunches, and I'm so glad that we're becoming better friends.

Wednesday, July 5


This year's Kaleidoscope variety show was great! Many people said it was the best show yet. New MC Phil Parker did a bang-up job, and the acts were very good. As usual, the chorus line was the highlight of the show, in my own biased opinion.

I snapped some pictures of the chorus line gals with my camera. They aren't the best, but I haven't gotten pictures from anybody else yet, and I am anxious to post about the show. We had to skip the cast party on Wendesday because both boys were sick, so I probably missed seeing other people's pics. Both performances went well, though the second night's audience was more enthusiastic.

Here is a group shot of our first number, "Air Force Song":

We used ribbons to simulate the grace and flow of flight, then finished up the song with a crowd favorite: high kicks!

Here is a group shot of our second number, "Thank God I'm A Country Girl":

We really had fun with that one. Kris sang and played guitar, and a young neighbor of ours, Starlit Lorentzen, played the fiddle part.

Some dressing room shots:
Sheila, Sheryl K, Mavis & Lynette

Amy & Eileen


Kris & I (Here's an example of how scary stage makeup is when put side-by-side with someone not wearing stage makeup.)

Everyone involved with the show works so hard, and all on a volunteer basis! For me, it's a chance to stay creative with choreography and make friends with some fun gals I otherwise wouldn't know.

We're already thinking ahead to next year...poodle skirts, anyone?

Oh Beautiful, For Spacious Skies...

What a nice 4th of July holiday. The kids were a little disappointed that the burn ban prevented them from lighting their own fireworks, but it was still fun. Mom made a delicious meal for all of us - grilled kabobs, potato salad, watermelon and apple pie (couldn't get more American than that, could she?) After supper, we walked over to the capitol for the 4th of July festivities. For some great pictures and description, see Clint's blog.

Then we did what we always do, and left just before the fireworks started. We made it back to my parents' house just in time to see the fireworks show from their back deck. The wind was very light and from the east, so we didn't have any debris raining down on us, as in the past. Then we sat on the front step and watched the huge traffic jam of people and cars after it was over. The boys stayed up and had fun with the glow sticks I bought for them, even though Dylan was not feeling well.

Happy Independence Day, America!

Tuesday, July 4

Dancin' in the Street

Rift played three nights outside the Silver Dollar in Mandan this weekend, and a good time was had by all. I was out with Jennie on Saturday, and the weather couldn't have been nicer for a street dance. I love those street dances because all types are there, including at least five Kaleidoscope dancers.

As the night wore on, we got closer to the front of the crowd, where we witnessed up close two scuffles that didn't turn into full-blown fights. There was also a guy in front of us, whom we called Cave Man, trying to "dance." He kept crashing into us and spilled my beer halfway up my arm. Oh well, at least the lines at the Porta-Potties moved pretty quickly, and most people were just there to have a good time. Also, the band put on a really good show.