Wednesday, July 5

Oh Beautiful, For Spacious Skies...

What a nice 4th of July holiday. The kids were a little disappointed that the burn ban prevented them from lighting their own fireworks, but it was still fun. Mom made a delicious meal for all of us - grilled kabobs, potato salad, watermelon and apple pie (couldn't get more American than that, could she?) After supper, we walked over to the capitol for the 4th of July festivities. For some great pictures and description, see Clint's blog.

Then we did what we always do, and left just before the fireworks started. We made it back to my parents' house just in time to see the fireworks show from their back deck. The wind was very light and from the east, so we didn't have any debris raining down on us, as in the past. Then we sat on the front step and watched the huge traffic jam of people and cars after it was over. The boys stayed up and had fun with the glow sticks I bought for them, even though Dylan was not feeling well.

Happy Independence Day, America!

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