Wednesday, July 5


This year's Kaleidoscope variety show was great! Many people said it was the best show yet. New MC Phil Parker did a bang-up job, and the acts were very good. As usual, the chorus line was the highlight of the show, in my own biased opinion.

I snapped some pictures of the chorus line gals with my camera. They aren't the best, but I haven't gotten pictures from anybody else yet, and I am anxious to post about the show. We had to skip the cast party on Wendesday because both boys were sick, so I probably missed seeing other people's pics. Both performances went well, though the second night's audience was more enthusiastic.

Here is a group shot of our first number, "Air Force Song":

We used ribbons to simulate the grace and flow of flight, then finished up the song with a crowd favorite: high kicks!

Here is a group shot of our second number, "Thank God I'm A Country Girl":

We really had fun with that one. Kris sang and played guitar, and a young neighbor of ours, Starlit Lorentzen, played the fiddle part.

Some dressing room shots:
Sheila, Sheryl K, Mavis & Lynette

Amy & Eileen


Kris & I (Here's an example of how scary stage makeup is when put side-by-side with someone not wearing stage makeup.)

Everyone involved with the show works so hard, and all on a volunteer basis! For me, it's a chance to stay creative with choreography and make friends with some fun gals I otherwise wouldn't know.

We're already thinking ahead to next year...poodle skirts, anyone?

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