Sunday, November 5

Pink - My New Favorite Color

We caught Pink's performance of her song "Who Knew?" this summer on Letterman. I've really come to appreciate her talent. This is an incredibly sad and beautiful song, and she just belts it. Gives me goosebumps. Also, she's looking so classy in this performance. Love the dress, shoes and hair.

Here's the clip from Letterman:

The drummer is Mark Schulman. Brad met him about five years ago when Eckroth brought in Mark as a clinician. Since then, they've stayed in touch. When he came through town with Cher in 2003, Brad arranged for a private lesson with Mark. It was supposed to be an hour long, but Mark ended up spending most of the afternoon with Brad in our basement. He couldn't get tickets to the Cher show for us, but he lined up something even better: a pass for Brad to sit in on the sound check.

Mark's got Brad's dream job - touring with big names as a freelance musician. Fun!

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