Friday, January 5

Jane Austen Rules

I was first introduced to Jane Austen and her novel Pride and Prejudice in college. As I recall, I couldn't put it down and read the whole thing in one sitting. I really like the language and humor.

We happened to catch the recent Hollywood film version of the book from 2005 on HBO a couple of nights ago. It was OK, but paled in comparison to the gorgeously epic BBC TV five-hour mini-series version from 1995. So we got out our DVD of the mini-series tonight and started watching it. Gone are the days, I guess, when I had the time or inclination to watch the entire thing at once. I even remember at least one occasion on which I watched the whole thing twice in a row when A&E was airing a P&P marathon. Hopefully we can finish it tomorrow night. For me, that's one mark of a great book/film: I can read/watch it over and over, and enjoy it every time.

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