Wednesday, January 24

Unforgettable Fire

Brad and I caught this video on VH1 Classic the other night. I had forgotten how terrific this song is. I really like the chiming guitars in the chorus ("Walk on by, walk on through"). Even the video is great, which is saying a lot, considering that it was made in 1984, an era of supremely bad music videos. A truly timeless song. In my book, U2 ranks right up there with Oasis and Indigo Girls.

Here's the link if you'd rather watch it on YouTube.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one of the best things about youTube is finding music videos. we can't rely on mtv to show them anymore. i upgraded my satellite subscription to include vh1 classic which does show videos. but when a person's got a hankering for "mexican radio," youTube quenches the thirst!