Wednesday, February 28

Adding Injury to Insult

To top off my bad day on Saturday, I ended up with this nasty-looking bruise on my shin after I slipped on the bleachers at BHS. LOVELY.

Saturday, February 24


This was my day. Missing my mom tonight.

Thursday, February 22

Silversun Pickups

I don't know much about this band, but I recently caught the video for "Lazy Eye" by Silversun Pickups. It immediately grabbed me.

It reminded me of "Cannonball" by the Breeders. Do you agree?

Sunday, February 18


We've been listening to our iPods on shuffle, which is a great way to rediscover music that I'd not heard in awhile, like Sinead O'Connor's first album, The Lion and the Cobra. This album was very big for me in 1988-89.

Here's a video for "Mandinka". I vividly remember watching this very video on MTV's 120 Minutes.

At the time, many people were fixated on her lack of hair, but her voice is amazing. Here's a video of a live performance that demonstrates her vocal skills. The song is "This is the Last Day of Our Acquaintance".

Thursday, February 15

And The Winner Is...Oasis!

Yesterday, Oasis received the Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music, an award similar to the Lifetime Achievement Award at our Grammys. Noel Gallagher has said that the band has turned down accepting this award several times in recent years, but this year they decided to accept it because the time just seemed right with their new Best Of album recently out.

The band played a five-song set to close out the show. Here's a clip of one of the songs they played, "The Meaning of Soul". Liam's hair is a little long for my taste, and his voice has sounded better, but they still deliver a great performance.

Click here to watch the clip on YouTube.

I hear that TNT is broadcasting the 2007 Brit Awards on Monday, March 5. I'll have to set my VCR.

Saturday, February 10

Josie Goes Home

I have posted previously about my cousin's daughter, Josie, who is fighting a difficult battle with a rare disease and various complications. Well, the good news is that she's made enough progress to go home after five months in the hospital. It sounds like it'll be a short stay because she's scheduled for surgery next week, something called a "whipple". However short her stay at home, it's still a small victory in a long battle, and sure to boost family morale. Welcome home, Josie!

Click here to visit Josie's blog.

Friday, February 9

On The Mend

-- Update --

We're slowly returning to normalcy after that bout with Mr. Nasty Stomach Bug. After about 48 hours of serious illness, I am now in that catch-22 stage, where I get hungry, STARVING, as Dylan puts it, but eating still induces mild nausea. I actually cooked a meal last night, though I'm still living under the mantra of "Bland is best." I thought this kind of thing usually lasted a day or two, but this going-on-five-days business is ridiculous!

Thanks for all your well-wishes out there in cyberspace.

Tuesday, February 6

Sick Day

There are many euphemisms for vomiting. My favorite is "talking to Ralph on the big white phone". In our case, though, the phone in one bathroom is yellow. But I digress...

I can't think of a time when all four of us have been puking sick at the same time. Until this week. I managed to make it through four dance classes last night, with frequent trips to the bathroom, but today we all called in sick. We'll see what tomorrow brings...