Monday, December 4

Josie's battle

My cousin Deb, her husband Jay, and their four children live in Minneapolis. The youngest, Josie, has a very rare auto-immune disease called dermatomyositis. As I understand it, it attacks the skin and muscles. The cause is unknown, and there is no cure.

Jay has kept a blog of news about Josie since she was diagnosed about a year and a half ago. I check it every day and it is heartbreaking! Things took a serious turn for the worse about four months ago, and Josie has been hospitalized ever since. It's hard to go on with my everyday life here, knowing that part of my family is suffering so terribly. Thankfully, they have a good support network of family and friends to help.

Their church is hosting a spaghetti supper benefit this Saturday, December 9. It looks like a big shindig with lots to do for the whole family, and all for a good cause. Click here for the website.

A local TV station picked up the story. You can see the piece here.


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