Tuesday, May 15

Plaster Caster

Dylan's break is visible on the right vertical edge of the radius just below the wrist.

We saw the orthopedic doc yesterday, who strongly recommended a cast. I was relieved because that Velcro cast seemed flimsy. Now I'm not quite the fretting mom, although he's still not supposed to climb, run or jump. Since he's so young, the doc said he should heal in 3-4 weeks, but he'll still be missing some fun end-of-year activities at school, like a class swimming trip, baseball game, and Northridge mini-olympics. He's getting by with his left hand for most things; however, piano will have to wait.

His friends signed his new cast today, so it's not the blank slate that it was when he left for school this morning.


Anonymous said...

i must say i know few boys who go through life without breaking something! it's like a rite of passage.

hope dylan heals up and is back running, jumping and hot wheels launching soon.

Anonymous said...

if i were in town i'd sign your cast, little dude. just remember, both anakin and luke lost their hands in battle! shari