Saturday, July 21

Potter Party

The final book in the Harry Potter series was released today. We've been waiting for this day since Dylan finished book six a few months ago. We went down to Barnes & Noble for their release party last night. It was fun for the boys to dress up in their wizard costumes and see all the other great costumes there. They had their pictures taken with the Harry cutout:

Connor didn't want his picture taken, but we snuck one in.

We didn't stay at the party until midnight to buy the book, so we had to make a trip down this morning to get it. Dylan has had his nose in this book a lot today.

I'm a little nervous about reading this book because I'm afraid of how it might end. I know it's not going to be without some kind of tragedy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm 200+ pages in and find myself trying read slowly because i don't want it to be over! and, like you, i fear there is tragedy ahead. happy reading to all of you :)