Saturday, November 24

Oh, Nuts!

Yesterday, Connor tried cashews for the first time. He ate two, and promptly complained of a terrible taste in his mouth and a sore throat. He tried washing it down with water and crackers, but his discomfort wouldn't go away. Then he started gagging, which turned into vomiting. I assumed that they just didn't agree with him, but after the vomiting didn't stop for over an hour, I took a closer look and discovered that he was covered in hives.

I immediately gave him a dose of Benedryl and called the doctor. We found out that no one keeps office hours on the day after Thanksgiving, so we loaded everyone up for a trip to the ER.

There, they gave him a dose of Zyrtec and an anti-nausea medicine, and sent us home with instructions to have him tested for food allergies.

Then he was fine until 2:30 am, when he woke with the hives returned and gasping for air. We dosed him with Benedryl again and fired up the nebulizer for an Albuterol breathing treatment. That solved the problem, and off he went back to sleep.

Yikes, that was scary! This kid has been to the ER more times than the rest of the family combined. The good news is today he's fine - until Thursday, when he's scheduled to have his tonsils out!


Anonymous said...

not a nut allergy!
oh, that's just horrible. can he eat peanuts? wynn can't eat peanuts, but he can eat nuts that grow on trees. conversely, i work with a woman who can't eat any nuts from trees, but can eat peanuts just fine.
hang in there, connor. and good luck thursday!

Unknown said...

oh dear. what a stressor for everyone.

best of luck with the tonsils, connor. hope there's lots of popsicles waiting for you when you're done!

Jodi said...

I'm hoping Connor is making a speedy recovery!