Sunday, December 16

Let's Hear It For Lefse

Dawn blogged last month about making lefse, and I got inspired to follow suit. It's something I try to do once or twice each winter. Making lefse used to be an all-day affair until I started cooking on two irons simultaneously. I inherited one iron from my mother-in-law, and then I found one at a rummage sale a few years ago. Now it goes much faster. This batch only lasted about three days because even Connor eats it. I like mine with butter and sugar. Yum!


Anonymous said...

yay for lefse! it's a beautiful and delicious art and i'm impressed with your mastery.

i like mine with just butter or with butter and a little cinnamon/sugar.


Jodi said...

Oh yeah, lefse! My mom (her dad was 100% norwegian) has made it for years; has the same rolling pin! I haven't tried it since Z was born. It seems to disappear whenever Jesse is near! You look like an expert! Keep it up!