Friday, December 28

The Long Winter Night

This morning was Dylan's annual EEG brainwave scan. For this test, his brain must be extremely tired, so we have to keep him up all night. I took the first shift, during which we did a jigsaw puzzle, played several rounds of his US geography card game, and watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I took this picture of Dylan just before I woke Brad at 4:00 am for his shift to start.

He and Brad spent the rest of the night putting together two new Lego sets that Dylan had gotten for Christmas and saved for his long, sleepless night. They worked for five hours and finished both before his 9 am appointment.

Here is a picture of Dylan hooked up with the pilot cap for the test.

They were home at 10 am, and both went right to bed. Here's a picture of Dylan with his two completed Lego sets after he slept a few hours.

We'll get results when we meet with his neurologist next Friday. I'll report back after that.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Go parents! It's good to hear Dylan is doing well. Hopefully meds will continue to be helpful. Best of luck!