Friday, August 1

Owl Post

This was the scene just outside our bedroom window yesterday morning when we opened our blinds. I've never seen an owl before, so it was pretty exciting. An owl perched on our trampoline! They're huge, and their necks really do swivel all the way around. It hung around long enough to poop on the tramp, then flew off to a dead tree in the neighbor's yard.

And here was the scene when we opened the blinds this morning. TWO owls perched on our trampoline! It's such an exciting novelty that I didn't mind too much that they both emptied their bowels on the tramp before they departed.

It was starting to feel magical, like the scene in the first Harry Potter book where the owls are trying to deliver Harry's letter of acceptance to Hogwarts but Uncle Vernon won't allow it, so the owls multiply.


Jodi said...

Cool... and a bit freaky, too. (Shiver)

Anonymous said...

that's super cool! and they're so close to you! i wouldn't mind if the pooped on my tramp either.

the other morning on our walk, barett and i saw a hawk trying to nab one of the neighborhood's albino squirrels. (poor little guys don't have much in the way for camouflage.) 6 black crows waited on the power lines and in nearby trees, cheering for the hawk, hoping it would leave behind some scraps. barett and i both decided we didn't want to stick around to see the carnage, so we continued walking.

Moni said...

If they multiply, I can't wait to see pictures tomorrow!