Tuesday, September 2


The day finally came - Oasis concert in Winnipeg! Here's the story, Morning Glory.

Brad and I hit the road Monday morning, Labor Day 2008. The closer we got to Canada, the thicker the Manitoba license plates got. By the time we hit the border, the cars were lined up 30 deep and five lanes wide. This made for a 45 minute wait; however, once we got to the gate, it was quick.

Once we got into Canada, it took me awhile to adjust to kilometers ("Wow, these miles are just flying by!), and then the rain came. I've never seen INSANE RAIN like this. Good thing Brad was driving because I was panicking.

We did finally arrive at the MTS Centre in downtown Winnipeg, zoomed easily into a parking lot ("Seven dollars, please. Yes, we take American cash."), and found our way down to the basement where we had a reservation at the Exchange Restaurant and Beer Market. Yummy $16.95 buffet meal and Stella on tap.

There were two opening acts. Matt Costa played a 30 minute acoustic set. It was pretty good but didn't bowl me over. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals then played a smokin' hour-long set. His dry sense of humor was funny.

Oasis played a short, 18-song set, which sounded AWESOME. It wasn't too loud and the sound quality was clear. I had seen the setlist posted from the previous stops on their Canadian tour, so we knew what they would play.

The timing was right, all the pieces fell into place, and the stars aligned to make this event happen for me. I'll always remember this quick trip and this terrific concert experience.


Jodi said...

Awesome! Such an opportunity is rarely afforded to those of us in this part of the country;although you had to travel to Winnipeg. I read yesterday that Noel was attacked on stage at a recent show. Broken rib and bruised up; they had to cancel a few dates. I had to listen to half of "..Morning Glory" to shake off the gloom. Hopefully he is back at it soon!

Unknown said...

There is little better than a great concert experience. Glad you got to take this one in. And you got Ryan Adams as a bonus. I really like his music and have heard good things about seeing him live.