Wednesday, March 29

It's a Girl!

Finally, I've got something besides Oasis to write about. A special new human has made her arrival. Congrats Rachel & Darius, and welcome Josie!

Monday, March 27

Who The F**k is Andy Bell?

I've been rambling on for weeks about the Gallaghers, and I've mentioned drummer Zak Starkey, but there are also two other members of Oasis. Today I'll talk about Andy Bell. Originally a guitarist, Andy played in the British shoegazer band Ride, former label-mates of Oasis at Creation Records. When former Oasis bass player Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan departed in 1999, Noel and Liam talked Andy into learning to play bass and joining Oasis.

As the token southerner in the band, Andy takes some ribbing from his northerner bandmates. On the Familiar To Millions live recording, when competing chants "Liam" and "Noel" can be heard coming from the crowd, Noel says, "Cut the 'Liam' and 'Noel' shit. Let's have a bit of 'Who the f**k is Andy Bell?'" This has kind of become his slogan; I've even seen it on a t-shirt.

Andy lives in Sweden with his Swedish wife and their daughter.

Friday, March 24

Song and Dance

Click here to watch the video for "The Importance of Being Idle". This video was named Best Video of 2006 by readers of NME (British music rag).

The video is set in the 1960's and has nothing to do with the content of the song. The video storyline follows an undertaker who wakes up one day and finds himself at his own funeral. The band members briefly pop in and out, but the real star is Rhys Ifans, a Welsh stage actor whom Liam brought on board because he can dance. The idea was to mock the current dance trend in pop videos and counteract all the booty-shaking. I'm into musical theater/song and dance numbers, so I think the campy choreography is hilarious. My favorite part is where he dances with the coffin makers, and also how he handles the top hat and cane with smooth panache. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 23

The Definition of Cool

Here's a funny excerpt of an interview Noel did with David Williams from The Observer Music Monthly.

DW: Do you have a stylist?

NG: No, never. That's the lowest, if you can't dress yourself.

DW: But today you had your picture taken by David Bailey. Did you not have a long think about what you were going to wear?

NG: No.

DW: You're that cool.

NG: It's not for me to say if I'm cool or not.

End of the Line

So last night Oasis played in Milwaukee. The online fan reviews have all been excellent, especially with the inclusion of "Supersonic" in the encore. Zak starts the song in the dark with an extended drum solo of the very-recognizable drum groove at the beginning of the song. Then the rest of the band joins him onstage. WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE.

This is the end of their world tour. They play a handful of North American dates (Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Nashville, Houston) this month, and then head for home across The Pond. Noel has stated that they will take a long break, during which he'll rest, write songs and smoke a lot of ciggies.

Thursday, March 16


It seems that people want to know about Oasis' drummer. Well, his name is Zak Starkey, and the poor man will forever have his name followed by his father's. You see, he is the son of Richard Starkey, a very famous drummer himself. Bonus points if you know his stage name.

Since the previous Oasis drummer, Alan White, was sacked in 2004, Zak has been splitting his time between drumming with Oasis and with The Who. He gets raves all around and seems to be a good fit with the others in the band.

I personally know another terrific drummer, who adores his wife and treats her like a goddess.

Tuesday, March 14

Live "Lyla"

Click here for concert footage of Oasis playing "Lyla" in their hometown of Manchester, England. All five of them are looking and sounding excellent. Much better than the frenetic and intense video they made for the song.

Sunday, March 12

The Other Brother

When I first got into Oasis, I was totally caught up in the charisma of Liam Gallagher, but I'm starting to appreciate the talent of the true driving force behind the band, Noel Gallagher. Some interesting factoids about Noel:

He got serious about playing guitar in his teens. It helped pass the hours when he was confined to the house as punishment for petty theft and other misdemeanors.

He is left-handed but plays the guitar right-handed.

He is dyslexic.

He is a brilliant songwriter, even though he claims he doesn't "know chords". Some people have put him down for incorporating other people's melodies into his own songs, but he does it openly, so as to be more of an homage than a rip off. "Shakermaker" from Definitely Maybe was built on "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" by the New Seekers (otherwise known as the Coke Song, used in Coca-Cola advertising in the 70's). The other band members have contributed songs to the last two albums, which has also been a good thing. As opposed to taking away from his own talent, it seems to have freed him up to focus on a handful of really good songs instead of having to fill an entire album.

Even though Liam does most of the singing, Noel is a very good singer, too. He covers lead vocals on several Oasis tunes, including "Don't Look Back In Anger". (Select title at the bottom when you get there.)

Here's to Noel. He's not the looker that Liam is, but talent is also very attractive.

Our new toy

Now I've got something in common with the Pope.

We've been thinking and looking and shopping for a few months, and yesterday we finally got one of these. Our CD player has been acting up for quite awhile, so it was only a matter of time before we needed to do something about it. We decided not to replace it and got the iPod instead. There are many accessories to go with these things. We got the charger/fm transmitter to use it in the car, and cables to connect to our home stereo. It's very exciting! Brad keeps polishing it, and I have already filled it with all the Oasis I can get my hands on.

Tuesday, March 7

Flag Waver

The newest Oasis album, Don't Believe The Truth, ends with "Let There Be Love". Noel said, "Could we not, for once, put out an album with a flag-waver on it?" But he had his arm twisted by Liam and the band's manager, and so there it is on the album. It's a terrific ballad that is also one of only two duets by the brothers. You can see the full-length video here. It's classy b & w footage of the band and its adoring fans. Liam sports a spiffy pin-stripe suit and sideburns.

Monday, March 6

Signature Stance

Here's another live shot of Liam and Noel Gallagher. I just like how these pics look in my blog, so I'm going to keep posting them, if only for my own enjoyment.

Sunday, March 5

On Tour

I think these Oasis pics look smashing , so here's another one. This was taken this year at a huge concert in Bankok. From left: Andy Bell, Zak Starkey, Liam Gallagher. They are playing a few US dates later this month, including The Riverside Theater in Milwaukee on March 22. That's within a day's drive for me, but it's already sold out. Boo hoo. I can still get tickets to their shows in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico, but there are no upcoming shows scheduled after this month. Guess I'll have to settle for the live DVD, "Familiar To Millions".

Friday, March 3

The Brothers Gallagher

(Editor's note: If you're tiring of the Oasis-themed entries, LOOK AWAY NOW and don't come back for awhile. This kick is consuming me at the moment.)

Here's an older picture of Liam and Noel in a telling pose - the responsible big brother looking after his little brother. Reminds me of my two boys.

A friend and I watched parts of my Oasis DVD last night. I think she was just humoring me. She did pose an interesting question, though. She asked, "So are you attracted to bad boys?" Hmmm...I guess so.

She also asked, "What's with the icky sideburns?" Hmmm...I think they're kinda cool.

Wednesday, March 1

More Oasis

Here's a recent picture of Oasis. That's my man Liam in front. He can often be found wearing high-collared jackets like this one. My CD's and DVD arrived, so now I can totally immerse myself. Liam turns out to be a terrible interview subject; he has previously declared that he is happy to be a singer and performer, but has no interest in promotion or marketing. Noel is much more entertaining, with detailed anecdotes and a dry sense of humor.

One thing I learned: Residents of Manchester, England, are referred to as "Mancunians".