Monday, March 27

Who The F**k is Andy Bell?

I've been rambling on for weeks about the Gallaghers, and I've mentioned drummer Zak Starkey, but there are also two other members of Oasis. Today I'll talk about Andy Bell. Originally a guitarist, Andy played in the British shoegazer band Ride, former label-mates of Oasis at Creation Records. When former Oasis bass player Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan departed in 1999, Noel and Liam talked Andy into learning to play bass and joining Oasis.

As the token southerner in the band, Andy takes some ribbing from his northerner bandmates. On the Familiar To Millions live recording, when competing chants "Liam" and "Noel" can be heard coming from the crowd, Noel says, "Cut the 'Liam' and 'Noel' shit. Let's have a bit of 'Who the f**k is Andy Bell?'" This has kind of become his slogan; I've even seen it on a t-shirt.

Andy lives in Sweden with his Swedish wife and their daughter.

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