Friday, March 3

The Brothers Gallagher

(Editor's note: If you're tiring of the Oasis-themed entries, LOOK AWAY NOW and don't come back for awhile. This kick is consuming me at the moment.)

Here's an older picture of Liam and Noel in a telling pose - the responsible big brother looking after his little brother. Reminds me of my two boys.

A friend and I watched parts of my Oasis DVD last night. I think she was just humoring me. She did pose an interesting question, though. She asked, "So are you attracted to bad boys?" Hmmm...I guess so.

She also asked, "What's with the icky sideburns?" Hmmm...I think they're kinda cool.

1 comment:

s. said...

i've always seen brad as a bad boy drummer type. it's all making sense now...