Monday, June 12

Happy Birthday, Little Bro

To celebrate Curt's birthday, I found some old pictures of him. Here is my favorite shot of the "young" Curt from 1989.

Here is a shot of him and his future wife, Alicia, at his Junior Prom from the same year. Note the mullet and the Chevy El Camino in the background.

And here's one of them and their daughter, Kassy, at Christmas this year.

Curt is spending his birthday shingling his roof. Happy 34th, Curt!


Anonymous said...

I remember that El Camino! I am guessing it's not still in the family?

Michele said...

Curt held onto it for years in hopes of restoring it to its former glory. Lack of funds and time prevented him from doing that, so he sold it a couple years ago. He loved that car, and it was very hard for him to let it go.