Friday, June 9

One Person's Trash... another person's treasure.

So I've been away from the blog for a bit taking care of a major project: a huge rummage sale. It was a few years in the making, so we had tons of stuff to get rid of. There were housewares, furniture, baby & toddler stuff, and a lot of clothes (kids' clothes, maternity clothes, and my entire wardrobe from 25 pounds ago). I worked about a week pricing everything; then it took a whole day's work to set everything up.

In the end, it was worth it because we made $900 in two days. Whooo-who! Most of that will go toward a new bedroom set we ordered. We saved out $20 for each of the boys to buy a new toy because it was hard for them to see some things go. At one point, Dylan said he wanted to "buy back" a toy, one that he had outgrown a couple of years ago.

One thinks one has pretty good stuff, and it's a little weird to peddle it off to other people who rifle through one's things, judging each item's quality and value. Most of those things will never have as much value to anyone else. One of the things I was not expecting was that so much of our stuff got redistributed right into our own neighborhood. Our neighbors bought a lot.

Many people asked if I saved any baby things. I didn't allow myself to do that because if I went down that road, there would be so many things that I could find a good reason to keep. Also, I figured it was better for it to be put to use instead of saved away in a box somewhere. I guess there was one thing: I kept a quilt that was hand-made for us by a friend when Dylan was born.

There was also plenty of cleanup in the days following the sale. Even though we sold tons of stuff, there was still enough left to fill 14 boxes, which I had to pack up and take downtown to donate. Then we had to return all the tables we had borrowed, and yesterday we broke down a mountain of boxes to take to recycling. It really feels good to PURGE the house of all that STUFF.

Then there was the best post-sale chore of all: making the deposit at the bank.

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